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1.7 Year-/date-based data

To be able to track the evolution of a deal over time, so-called year-/date-based variables were introduced in the LM database. With these, it is possible to record multiple values for one variable and assign them to different years or dates and thus to track the evolution/progress of certain aspects of a deal over time (e.g. the area size in operation or the implementation process).

If data of a year-/date-based variable changed over time and these different values are available for different points in time (“Date”), you should enter the corresponding values for all these points in time, not just for the most recent one. In the data editor, each line (or each box) represents one of these points in time at which the value of the variable changed.

To activate additional lines/boxes, press the "+" icon on the right-hand side of each line.


Marking the line(s) with the most up-to-date data available and therefore the currently valid value(s) for that variable by ticking one of the "Current"-checkboxes is technically mandatory.